If your booking includes one single ticket for multiple connections operated by the same EU train operator, then the EU train operator should guarantee your connection by offering you either a full reimbursement or a rerouting option at no additional costs (except in some cases, such as force majeure events).
You can find more detailed information about your rights here.
If your booking includes at least 2 tickets corresponding to the various legs of the journey combined at Omio’s initiative, you may not have the option to be rerouted without extra charges, as each of your tickets represents a different transport contract, and you might need to buy a new ticket to continue your journey. It's important to keep in mind that any claims for compensation should be submitted separately for each transport contract. Omio will inform you before and after you finalise your booking if your connection(s) is not guaranteed.
You can contact our Customer Support team via our contact page, and they will be able to provide you with more information on how to make a claim.
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