If you experience a booking error, we guarantee that you will be refunded in full. First, please make sure to double-check that your booking was unsuccessful before you try to book again!
If you have an account, you can check under "Your bookings" for any tickets purchased. If you do not have an account, we kindly ask that you check your email inbox after waiting 30-45 minutes. You will receive an email confirmation if your booking has been successful.
If your booking was unsuccessful and you have been charged, you will of course be refunded. When exactly you will receive your refund depends on which payment method you used:
Credit card: Failed payments are blocked for 72 hours and released back to you after this time.
PayPal: Your money should be refunded immediately. If after a couple of hours you haven’t received it, please contact us directly.
Direct bank transfer (Ideal, Sofort): Your money will be automatically refunded but may take up to 15 working days, depending on your bank.
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